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Lita Nude Real Pictures

He shared how he and his ministry leaders were concerned about a 13-year-old girl. She has a boyfriend. And the boyfriend fooled the teenage girl to send nude pictures of herself. The pictures were being shared. The congregation was appalled. What a terrible situation for the girl.

lita nude real pictures

ft1Ttl r n 4 fl i t I J rlXTHE SUN SATURDAY JULY 24 1886 ru uf l BATTLING FOR HOME RULEZIJUnLr 1000 MOItK ADDED TO TUBSUNS FUNDIk > rih Ambav rnrnellltei rollnw Iks Kxf ample iifBoiilh Amhiiy Plume Unler wllaij J it Iriirf rareTo lnt llair of lk Funf Tho Ilomo Kutors of Torth Amboy followedI tho lead of tho rnrnellltcs ot their neighbor1k ine town of South Amboy ycBterJnyinud for11 TrtvrJed t THK HUN fund tbo Iiandsomo cintrlbutton of tniHO This nirikos a total subt Borlptlonof SI48O for tho two ontorprlilnaHew Jersey towns nnd brlnua THE SUNS fundt for tho popular nubsorlptlonn very nORrl upt to 30000 Tho jiurso which tho Ioitb Amboy IrltthAiiiorlcAns present to tho funda raleod fit n successful mrus meeting whichtho notrlotlo townsman hold on tho 13th Instc In City Hall Park at which Mayor Dally eMayor John W Onrrotnon the Rev Dr Kemphall of the First Praabrterlnn Church ol Kllr >tb tb the lion A A llardonberah LawyerJoaeoh A leech r and Fathor 16ter 1 Connolly mado stIrring Bueeobus Than LnirrerUeocher nnd 1nthor Connolly not nnd the lloniu llul rs oponoil their pocketbooks and gave wllllncly The oontributlona Bontto Tni BUN yostordny with this noteI In grateful recomiltlon of he linporlant help renderedt the home rule cauae b > THE MJN II wa renoliedatthe meeting that Perth Ambola mite ahould bo linlto Ireland tnrouuli Ibo medium of that paperThe subscribers nt the mooting woreI The Rev Peter L Connollv el Unity Cornet Bandel Bt Marye Church tout John IleltahanO HherlDConvert 53 I the lion A 1 IlardenbcrKii Uatnr DallyOliver Kelly Collector of Port C K Mainan IhoinmJI I angan P while John UtRiuk II m I HiCi rmicx81 Urorire Kempeon I eiittor touncrar Owen KrnnyJohn Hall A Hon and John tpark each flUt ln tnuRtvJohn A Lawreno llm Rev M J lloiey I Janice h UcI Alleliden al II Mrtll itltYi Pierce J I foinpton H tI Vation Ja WaliouJ U Martin KO ToolrMami FrlclVm Hall leo Fuller llathew urine ii Ihomaa i llnlton Ii John Ollara Janice leaker Jamta Mode John Otnttr i 1Thomaa flutter Jereuilnli flynn frank McAle ey P I PMurray Mcliola rear > S 11 Uremon J M 1 I ncoltlluirn Hmnic Phillip A ltnn > i > nl I > O J I ow in anti IVII Tyrrell A bon Arph M Merwln Thulium II TvrrollI n Dunnliran klathew Nmith lir J O Wllon ThomaaMacau Terence UhI F MullenTooker I 1 HenjamlnIt Dunn Mary Tulle Um I Fullertnii li I F LangunUalachldraham Ihomaa Feeney and John McCornuiB5ach D J Cnrri Janice Delehnnly and KllzttltetliW cIetuEi each M 11 Tlio Murray Kolit llnrdenI Farrell 1 P Jone Mllawle I M Uurr F Mi CormlckEugene Mullen i i I Win I 11 lljrton I lluh hheeron i JJDoyle 1 I Tiriiy Jetties dHrlen W Diltin 1 WinI BtenbiirKh Jame rhtlrch 1 Dw er Catherine I nn II very Mary C Ionvtry Jamea unit L I lluinn JohnConner P M c alit Win hard In II in T MuJurThnMajor U I llrirati Iho Uwyer Jami lurry John MeIlirI TIT JpI U fluirk J R Hliay I T J 1 Kelly Peter loulan FranclI arkln Mlcliarl Dri sex Countl Iltmot itllotllct J M Dnnrifrtll Oco I liceJacob Iltusun John Martin E r Dunnliran J U KenI na M liuckley P nnnell M hitmi Mary A Nt1aIieger Uary A Mullen ralherlnn ilurko MnryI A benlor Louisa J iltiulor Hiiainnah A Hrnlor lame Mul en Uartearit Werl f2 eichW J MackCaiit Klild t reuik lee Frank liaucrIy Wllarrlenn F Meilimau Jfremiah Iruiuy I frank tietlaher Julin Qiilnn 1 attica Krennin II Deehano Tliofoclroll i1 John ni roller Mar U Irolan I ui ury ilcAlevi 1Uariraret Mierf 1 Iatlianne A II halen Frnok simi liI haul M rnlnn iIttaniltatTert J toattv W huleyWra uurke Jaunt Mullen C tifunnor Jamea MartinVI Convery Mr shicUI William tlillm John K lMartin 1 D lionot alt Jnlne Quirk Jaiiua McKenna Johnlonaril 1 liwcr M i lluriry Ii 1 MtNally P 1 HropliXeter Kane J 1 Mipvlimi J Judife Mr J Church Iatin 31 urphY II Donnelly Thoma > lcIr lli I Heddlngton Julin lltftter J 1 utzl atrlck C Muitrllc P ConnnrAdam leyer Mnllirw lltnley JAI UiDermuttThomas Paion I Dunn P Dunuliifaii Cliarlu Hollaf day J OToole I Dunn Joirph Mltlifl hllnbctllBrock Ann Corlee Ann McOoniule P I Inrmley JOlen A llolmr I Icily Janice llannon I Donava iW Kllmnrrny J UlllUmm II C Illell W llBrrlnicton htephen Hetilor C J lull steuheti PoireI Itlchurd White P UiNally Owen Ilonuhue P RutkelIcorice Cunnntnri John Adalr M Power John LaughI III Illn Tliomia HllKrralil tdam tckert tri h Handle IW IICoix KoeilUlnn Mary E llunlen Mary tnt01 BIn M Dunn Ju ha li I Diuin r I Wultera r Weikel J Malulrk p MtDermott Ii Dwjfr Ann RtanEllen Fox Margaret hurl Tnoinn Ioinlnn P hlemminE J I Mcliermolt P I HcKennn p LIvliKtone S RKverettr11 onlaevPASeatnan JnlinManntnirFranlMead Joliuljrrell P Itcllly J II WhIte Ja UreaveaJohn Deatnond M Nolan i IU Fee IjW E Nolan L S HIClair John Murphy Clinches Lowe Margaret Ryan MaryKennedy Ilunnra Urllrldp Jame M Manlon J P IBUrtui Mary UMIU Jinu Eta William McllermottAnn Ljnch Ellen Homier M Eitan I McNilltv J VLangan J Cook P Malirr P llunaii tnie F I LynchI UeNaly hraiicUJ lrlrii t tvnilergriiiril I Ii Puntthen Peter Wd J lark brett Icdenon I each P IFarrell Many lounir D 1U Uarrelt Ko er Ollrten WmTeeple 5u u cent eachLnwycr olb P Daly who forwarded Yonkor big HIIJ crllton to the fund some UttyAago Rfliitan ailttltlonnl 7 to thn fund yestorday I was subscribed n followsJohn LaveUe S j I Dinlrl Corcornn John IlenncaieiPatrick IlarrUait John De > lne Timothy Buckley 1echIn the previous list of Yonkors contributionsthe nlmo 01 Joni Mtildoon was orronoouslyprlnlnd Michael JluldoonTHE SUNH fund now standsPrevliiuly arknnwlerfed 27inn 23XleildentHuf Perth Amboj 77J 511Yonkeraa aduitlonat ubacril > llon 7 11 t >Total 3rOrnnil pRchoni r Henry Ducro nnd TreasurerJames llnrkorof Old Tammanys Pnrllnrnonltry Committee ye tirday sent to ChairmanEIISHIIH Kti l y of tho Parliamentary ftitul374750 TnmmaujB final contribution ThismnKii a Kupnrb total of over 30000 to thecredit of tho patriotic home niliirsof the wigwam on Ibo unit roconli Chairman Kellyyesterday received iuu torn J C MorganrIle VOMHfUTOXB A r TUB GiA rEoFonnil IVnlllnc Ikera When she KeliillveaMr Countillor Cume to Ilnry HimTho funnrnl of Jeremiah Counsellor washold yesterday mornlnc nt 123 Broad streetNewark whore he reside for years with hiswife his daughter and his son InlAw Georger A Meeker Tha nOVo Mr Holiinsou of ItahwayI conducted the servicesJlisa Donnlneton the winsome young friendI of the deceased man did not attend the services nor was she soon In Newark Shin wouldnot halo been allowed to enter Mr Muckershouse I situ had presented herself as the undertakers were rmiUHStod to keep her out Asan additional precaution Detective BIrth waspresent the roauaat of tho family Dr Knightwho wat nssof lated with Mr Counsellor In hutFamily Fund InMurBncRComtany was Urcontnnd many friends of the family looked on thudead mans face after tho conclusion of theeervlcn A hearse nnd four cnrrlnc woret drawn up at the door Whnn the house wasemptied of all but the Immediate rnlnthes theclolhco roll casket was fnrried to tho beursoby four porters and the relatives untTed thecarrHeos and were driven to tbh cemetery onBt Oporeon avuniio liahway Them amiddlnULud woman In deep mourninga young woman and 1 girl of 1years stood watching two men who wero hurrying to finish digging tbo crave Thn burialwan delayed for a quarter of an hour twatinothe crave was not ready and uieannhllo thorelatives stood at ono sldo of the excavationWhllo the thren strancnrs stood at thin otherEverybody knew that tho strangers were theDonnlnetous Ursula her inothnr and herlittle sister Whon the box enclosing thecasket was lowered Into the crnva thin youncWoman and bor mother leaned over imd lookedupon It while tho minister said tho burialservlco When they raised their hoaJs It woesoon that both worn winuiuc They wero thelast to co away antI after the carriages worodriven off they returned to tao sid ot thin plotand wato ell the workmen till In nnd rounduptl tlup the BMVO ThAn they turned endly awayS and walked slowly down the road to tho 1onnBylvnula Railroad station where they entered1 tram coming In the direction of thin cityThey did not speak with any one in thecemeteryDOUIXIE IMV DEN nitOCK IN JUTtArrested the lon or Relnlln IonreKcoolLocked Vp In Jlefiinlt fiTSSOO 1511Tho Rev lohnnnos Van don Brock pastorOf the Armlnlan Church In Paterson whippedJohn Hnrtman one of his purlshlonnrs onAVednesilay night because Hartman hadtnoddled with his affairs Tho preacher wasarrested early yesterday morning at tho houseof Itemtjo Looyencoed In Mulberry streot Heand the woman wore only partly dressed andJay on separate beds feignIng sleep Van delBrock was arraigned botore tho llncordfr forfl anltliiL Ilnrtinan and bltlni a piece out ofhla arm HH plouded guilty Hitylni that ho VIIvery angry bccuusu of Hartmaun luterlcrenosTf lib bin affairs InrlDnUtItulntjn Iooreiicood snys that ome years agon1ohlln she was a domnatlo In Van dun llroolcsInmlly he wronged liur nnd Ih > Intimacy continned for sortie huts till Mia Van don Utockalecnoroil It and orderod the woman out ofkilo house hen nllo cur tn this country hoart angol site II for her to fallow himt Mrs Van don llrocknas In the court roomr I Vhvu her husbind ua arrnlcned and pniididOat iietty for his rflcmso Tluidouiinlo l and hiswife tnlkiil fur a conalitoribiu time In theDutch toiikiin ll I to rlfalid utility I ot manyWrong jOint ant nsktd fur fnrivtiiii f Illicitshe crautid Thurn wore half a dozun MUSUUSnear by wit UfltlertnoiI all that win saidI l Van ilon llrock Olt lt unabln I tl to secure the J200i call which Ittcordur lioavos luquirudf flow Mof Mvkrlinck Ilretv a kerk for SOI Moses Mehrbach Is a rich pawnbroker InOmit meet and a ceconl Arnue Killroal I ctjtallitI and U U t generally beilci tl 1 that he baa cut tile wliloiaI teeth but on Junes he made out a check to LeopoldLevy for titty dollar In which 111 i appear onI th ccli fir lium ral > L preiented the ilieck atI the len I act inca Hank and 11 fli4 A itleran tileu m hug tiller I raid lilin 5uti Hilly etioiith theliouk IKeeper In r iklnf a rrrurd I of the da I t httilta put idown the check a Ililt audit win not until SIr 1 Xhrbath prientel hie book to liii e It blaiio that thisrror wittUiov rvd 1 demand was fiat le urn Levyhoiar aUitiibroker IKIHZ I at all Ecu lisi enlyJlulli I I SICiCt for the return of the S4Q overpaymentSrw1 > 111 wonldinilethe matter Kith bli trlndnrbtchbnt ai 1 failed to relmburi ill bank he ataken llor Justine tllih at JeStrion Market yeiterlir nn achogol IUU lorrlUer umlaU loetu I WI hlosnocKitra CRIME iff oatraaoZbe little Duntkler mt Ianrrr W WGreen Eatloeel rra m I a eOawEoo July 23Ono of tho most shocking crimes that ba been committed In this cityIn many day oamo to light this morning In thenoli co court when Henry Kennedy about 28rears of age was charged by 10yearold LottlGren with criminal assault Tho victim IH I thedaughter of Lawyer W W Oroen ono of themost highly oftoomcd men In tho city andWidely known throughout tho StateBetween 1 nnd 12 oolook on WednesdayKennedy mot tho clrlon ono of tho principalstreets aDd asked where hor father w Thochild replied that he was nt homo sick abedand utartod to co on about her buslnosn Konnmly showed her some monoy anti told her tovaiL within ho st ppe I Into 1 storn and perchall some candy Instead of cfttlntz candyho took a bit drink of whiskey and told the childto follow him that ho had aornn work for her todo nt his Pollen for which ha would pay herwell Thn child did as cbs was bid walkinenshort distance behind Knnnody Wnen theyhailroachnd th suburbs tho city on tho bankof the Oewelo I verKnnedr tuok the child bythe hand and led her down the bank Into a deepcully which Is hid from the road by a thickprowth ol bushes Hero Kennedy accomplishedIrowth IlrehU devilish purpose The child ought desperatelydeviiehperately and loft the prints of her Ito lingernails on Uonn > dys coo dslstlne only whenthrenttned with donth nnd worn out with exhaustion Kennedy then ordered the hlld tco homo anti say nothing or ho would till her10 Tho child drmriiod herself un the eoP bankantI strange us I may seam walked 1 mile totho housn of her fnthnr who Is an Invalid andrelated the details of tho outrage Tho fathernotified tbo police and 1 dpprrlntlon of Kennedyrrlptonnotiled polcenedy WHS sent out Yesterday Kennody was nrnBtHil on a chant of petit larceny and latelast night was bailed out by friends Whilestnnillneln front of Police Ilraduuartnrs today he was spied by the child who pointed himout to a policeman and ho was arrested Hodorilud all knowledge of the crime but thoni tlAchild was pnHlllva that he was the right personand hi was locked up Tho prisoner is marrlid but does not live with his wlf Thopolice itaytltoy hnvo damaging evidence agaInstInn prisonerW W Grotto the father of the child was atono time editor of tho Hyraouso Uonrier andIs the author f Via Morails VlncoudlTUUXIDU JV VllllADELrlllATree flown Down und llnnica UnraoTcdNuTeral 1eraona Ipjtired1iiiijADcrriiiA July 23fho rnln nndwind storm which passed over the city lastnight about mldtilnht did considerable lamncoosooclally In that portion south of Hoed streetThe storm nppoared to come up the river pathInc forco on Its way and struck tho city In thevicinity of Front and Mlfllln streets whore forn short time It raged with creat force Treeswore blown down houses wero unroofed andtho residents fearing that tho tornado whichswept away so much property In August lastbad 1 returned ran Into tho streetrite fences roof and outbuildings of thostove foundry of Thomas lloburm StevensonACo wore llrst struck and badly damaged Anumber of men wero nt work In the foundrynt the tlmn and crent excitement prevailedA throestory blink boimn in course of nrectlon nt Hefond and Tnakor streets owned bytonLouis llrowor nnt blown down and tho dobrlssrattorid around for some distance The roofof tho dwelling 120 Taskxr Street and Lbs roofsdivoiinuot two houses on fourth street below Morriswoo blown off Alonir Mooro Snoond MilllinThird and Morris stroots anti Movamnnslniaenuo nwnlncs and chimneys wero blowndown trees wore uprooted nnd considerableother damage was done The police this mornlog reported that several persons had beenslightly Injured by bolug struck by Hying missiles during the stormsun crAiitn fcoono DAMAGESA Young AVaranii Hull AgelesS a Doctor forCriminal AaiilCIIIOAOO July 2Sult for 00000 damages was begun by Miss Eirono Fuller In theCircuit Court today DKuinst Dr Stephen CDovenoy who lives on Indiana avenue MissPullers attorney explains that the suit Is theoutgrowth of a former sensational chargeagainst tho Doctor Mss Fuller In about 25years of ago and has maintained herself bypainting anti fancy work About a year agosho was nuarlnc from n nervous disease andvisited Dr lo > ony for treatment It nag ailiced hy her at thin time that while beingtreated the Doctor gave hor 1 drug whichcaused bar to bncnme unconscious and thatwhllo she WitH In thin state ho made I criminalassault upon bur Thin case WMB presented totho Grand Jury and I was alleial an indictment was found but afterward WI drawnA rouxa IIUHIIAKD 0 VIIULI 1 CuRDHit Handsome wire kin Flnarrr Neil > andher Mother lad the Holllne ImMrs Annie Wllley 1 hamlsomo younc woman accnied her huiband Percy T In the HarlemCourt yeaterdar of aiiaullln her She bore no vliibte lmurk of Injury Percy face wa badly scratchedTimes are her marka he anti aentcntlouily Hermother hit mo n Ith a roll pin besIdeAnnie admitted the truth of IVrr it remark hutadded I J with I a tin if her UIrA 1 heaif It I lervrl himrixht IU I earn Its of money but drlnkp It all up Hedonticiu me u ront lo my lupport He lia written nbunk cntltlil Ka y Method of llnokkeepliiK and It Igive him un Inconte of fl 1 5iH a > year IPorcy toes Ii t iro on th charge of uuault and paroledto aniner to charge of abandonmentReport on tko Wralk or CPI Vllllaa 1 LllNIl imANCII N Jht cry TueiJnv Thifiluv and Saturday to Auzuit 24Utica proml tly a UJfl II P I M J Six or seven race eachduty iraita uitd boat direct lo l rear of Irund StandIhlladelrliu I 31 Kradlng K K nl Liberty tl FerryH IS II A M U IS l U 41 I JOP l M PenniylvanlaR ItCnrtlamlt I and lie > liro I PM I Hnau IS > nndv Honk PlerH 1 J foot of Retton M U II I I A M U I il I I P t V Fare round trip Including ndiiilMion In I Held Siro lJ I COilhl Hec A J CASSATf Preltn IttttlIttJ IIIA FRIDAY Mi SATURDAYK KOUINSOV PresidentJAMTR MrCOVVKN 1 Kecretarjncllori Inni U i I II rtr 1KIKr I lt I Itnats or Jtmulea and lieetahral Hl it tnkra placen tnrdii I fitI 1 P I M t Itil t JI at llucknnay heidiThu ittlitI i irnen byIllr J BlliiiNAX A Blto 1roprktoricf tie Set SI le llnilie tire on exhibition at their barjUtiitiI ilftf1t T =G 1 ATU VIIO 5 IH 40 aeroiid hand plane forGUI rlIi f WSI aitli I nr iniital ntintat i 15 ten inonthi nun phatuoe oilpay nuetuto ot onlv flu down and f pr monthlullII lIAUitl3 5 eu l2iSth avn I A IC 13 riit f I Uivrnl jli KlKll u33oarrt and QmAFPW boarder wanted wntll let a few room or11 hilfif hfinie In a plruruntly ailuittd dwelling onhigh uTrtunl t free limn malarlu Call I on or ad Iv aa MrS h UIOMIallN I h7Uthav Slounl ernon N Yu ngousr Urlhi51tttiMISFIT OVKIIVIH oilcloth Ac very cheaplla t r t1 at HKNDALLa 114 1 Pollen it basement floorost and olJ1L AIIUC brliidle dog rome ruaillit ird it bitef 10 will be valit by tirlBtltif to St JJeuits hotel11 4t2c23OEIR SShotttJhavraniI4iiIr4mpfrpe re r tt1lae v Jpre4t1fJQrou I jtTIb periaFATALICCIDENTSCSClo f kick ofizi horse orcowaw causeCabaci bviMSeJthe si > ojcon ccxe orcrsifr u9cuU inLerious CuhMty oJmcr JAhy rt h one 1 YOURfAUi c Dmtltc olubot ofE RRypvisfJ LERraY oru 5K CASl ho1c ttjuai jorucuTC ofScaS urixs cuts 5wcllinqs 1 >bmiscs Sbrains Sores ir j bIte cAll flmoQJrsJcJ itfRRAV1SSON JOV ttthtlttCi142Cflflit4 virowN euEuilIlLz Cl 1 rl lento their favor for IHK ban at th only anil nrlzril up town adtertlpein ntllceat I1j iDlM llroaitwar corner list I r till D 1 Iutile Broadway between JJd mid 2M ii till S 11nun Weit dit corner Kin av till H 111nulJflo Sd av entrance on 47th at till M P UKill 4lhaT corner 14th at till a P JL1 WO7 3d av near uuth I atliC7 East i2liti at near Jdav till 73OP 5CNo extra chargenIle K HKWFIIMnnd trnld layer wanted at W1J WATERS A sONs 101 Fuiton atl AlFII JiOXIJi Kxprlenced llrla glue andI past work few to leantIOU1S4 IIAUIR 121 EafJJI IIW ANTEII Flratclai operator and llniiliers onTV cuitom find llannel bin atraly work I KOOI payIRA PKRKOO Oil Atlantic av llronkltnr 1lttd TtaitONCE 310JUO rilE FROXTrAWhn you see the clothlnn lioniei entiled In elicit abitter right loll may be urIII Ii a sIgn I that tla > y all feelblue over their decrenaltiK sale and their sale I willcrow beautifully leal I until they can siunpete with ourell lIens Siuttu Ue20 Hen All Wool Stilt W35 Melts Dccci a8lllta 12SM5 Prince Albert Sulti 15KINO OF J l f1hrnntlyn113 H 5 K7 Ki ill Still il BrooklynU b I ocka frntn HrMgeentraticeA NtKCIAI tl IMi IX1 nf the Uakrra ProijreA rive Union Hill lir hell nn Batuntav July U4 at toclock p Cl 1 at IU3 lluwcry Alt member are requestedattend0 I TSTen experienced men wanted to A patent article roiiuired I III every liniloholil I I I call botweenHaiid hut A M J IMII11IPM I 1 414 L41h atA tOtal cert 1111 ivantrd on team 1 flropA preaa Addre JIIIIN M 1 Mfcl LOYS MliSMWO Market Plllailelplila PaA IS ICSTItMM mnn saconk In an tyster notA chop home Innulre at APNhits oyster Mount HJAVCB7A Ml HOOK titter wanted olin frelera onI rulliikMnaclillif JOHN sAWYblt a MJSS 0 and IITitanic at corner Sew hnruliC A V Niitl wjw hir one of the Krratoitboukus of lie ice fiillablu fur nnl > erial clrculatlungotten up In uperlor iniiiinerJAil JtJBAKMITT A CO H5 rhatnben ll 1 31 flooritii7 lKil fa naflii iTned I mlitlt chit tinDm rf45 Irliicc Albert lull i2 tto nnrirted Moichchrtlut 512 SIt Inn oriel inrkaorcw unla SIt SilOI lInl C11r pulls 51 D 1i3 eleirant 1 huilnenri aull JUfail button cutaway suut Ul 1 917 tweed still f > 1SIS mixed twxrd nil > HiD fu mixed suite JJ tldiagonal nant > Or 3 1 I ante 21 Ki tulle canmerepanla 171 vii i thin Cheviot pant If S7 flnr chfvliittIres tat fJ M Ii H tine hnullih iliron rant J2V 1CIO Importtd uortrd pant 4 PiumiitT inolialr andalluarta coats 7io tni5 vinrtli 4 to f 9 rSI n liermckermat ande ta fl hnva2H mill 11 SlTlMivi1 pullC I 15 loon cult H SU h l iv site et fl2 nulldrenD aulli fl tin chile fl f in fitter tweed f2 75t 4 roncy plaited suit U m to fancy mlxod nun 11 5CAM MilaN441 to 4riU lletin atand 1M to 22 1lntbUHll avCAMEKOMILLn HROOKlYXJ5iiIvElh rnlinltiled with city AddreM statingD ego Ii B tan up town ulllre 1518 llroailwayA II EWatlcd one general hindalaoalltchI I er and Jobber 411 H late av Brooklnuent ps HIIII > wrist cii i J n ICESPtIo 1I aseittance ti reach friend In I thus Welt mayapply at tno oillce of the Children Aid Society 24 StMara placeAPEll IltlXIK Wantet a man on Clark maI chine hARRY B YOUNII 141 MulberryAXTKIIOood boiler niuskere blacksmith andC V machlnlat constant work fur etealy handi wages1175 to fjso per dav no atrike Addriae P o BoxNo 337 Richmond Valv Adlfiliiond letter of expprlence who laWAXTHIITV willing lo become otherwise I useful fr steely workreference required Attires DIAMOND box i5D2 Philadelphla PaU A > TKIIAclinacri > kllli d In the detail of aolldVAIoTnATV llvrrware itesly work reference required Addreia DIAMOND bn11 Philadelphia Pa IANTKII Four good ear llmera on mall lockyr at once ateady work aiaured Apply at NEW1IAVKN CLOI7K CO New Haven ConnA > IiilHarnri maker that umUritunda theV butliieuln cit t its branctuot 2RJ N2dit Rroiikbn1 A > TE1I Acaptain on barge for cenrral work> Call at IliO IhlNa 71 Beaver ItAVI Ell Twenty Independent hat flouter ApV ply to 8 llllSON Watac alng NJJlJITEII 2 men atarchera on buckramVa A McLBAN lOHooatentr N1E1A good Jobiiin llnimlth CLARK 01W Ji IIIo tIlKUANfKIIMORTON Wt New llnghlon listen IilandA VI Ill Oood seater on the beam Corner 13thV V it and 3d av Hrouklii L IV ANTKllTTbTy todrlvo exprese wagon ApplyST atSUi East 4Ulli st 1Y OlNO I AN14t nr IH year to work on sawdust1 wagon 2tU lit t Hoboken N J after t oclockji itiUh1Ult l ttt C1II3iaTUi54 llAKKIt vtliheaailtuation 13 IFIHSTCIANSA Blcecker at Brit liner back1t1ppin gaiosilaDsII c1IlCelI niitNcaift ItW II InCo LANTIqUMFttMlItJii LINE i Ti O ItAVIlidill tAIiitKtT lariiutu I c hInt dilly 3 4 f rt li tA itt It PortIco lit ihrll at J it lt It 4 i SI110 IIIIUIIIJII lrauuceut oIUrtloy Alum 7 NonnLA Cit A it IAtlt I rIIIt SIAII HI HItJIJAMIJUIH ilK tIlt It I Ad AIII J UoIII1 UreaBrneh IImc IUII itruiuilwiynAClFIV MAIL MTKA1ISIIIICOMPANYpACU1tJ fooiof OU8I at North RkvurFOR bAN tItA tel II lM Till ISTHMUS OfPAN A it ACITY OF PARA sail SHiurtiiv Jnlv31 noonORLA1 KbUUUHUN IN iUfha10SAN FRANCISCOCai > ln Ft tbi1 atftr ge finFROM SAN FRANCISCO lit and Sam IU forJAPAN AND CHINAOITYOF IKh list 10 > ldn Anirmt 11 I I 21 1 Mlnr treltnt pat tge aim general I Information duly atCoinpanyloluco on the 1I pl r tutu of mini fct NorthRiver H J IILLLAY suiierinlendctltriiiTTVi r Between Ntw lurk ill iiginv urI 1 iti tact 1 tarnu ith through tickets reduced rate to Liverpool Loadon Dullln AuSe S1AIL I Hf iFOIl IA Thurilav Julv 2U IP MHi HI Air II M lilt sKA Thurtilav Alit 10 u A M 1Catiln paMage fl > anl fill ucinrling to location ofaluterooni exLUninn tickets at reduced rule Steeragticket 10 aud from I all t aria of iuntte I all Ill eat talesPint 41 1 KlorOFLKRIlY HfAUSTIN BAIim t CO AKeiil iJ Bruaaway NYbleeiugHiilllce 21 BioidnuyuVliNH I O Vs A ulit c ets rThQV hits Plan Linn Kfiynl Mull steamihip HRITANNIUiinilllUHSDV I I Jul > 2 htllM 1 t superior arcnmmuU11011 for Uup paiMiiiiirr Throunh ticket for Setfail Derrv or Uluignw 11 tpply at tin companyorllce 37 HrojdwBor wnarf foot of Hut Imh it= = ICUhhUOlt vA I1OSTOV via Moiiington linei Intlla routeA dally dxeept Sutiduvi front new rust jo N R rat r I 31f CSttioR HAIE CIIIMFA Bullock printing pressK now running and In good condition alao computetrotyi > ini inuihmary for acute AdUrau IL 0 boxNo 101 tue once1UloI lULJia new great bargulni 8x12form ttirow cfl PBhaS boa 10lJ bmJwuarnuuftfSIMPLY AJITOUlfDirtOtAND POSITIVELY UNPARALLELED IN TOB ANNALS OF AMUSEMENTSTUB OVBRWI1RLIIIIIO TRtUIUn orDUALO StILLSWWWIIT nDnwwww it I I 1wwww II I 11 11wwww W W II tLLL DUD I 1w rwRB SMS npwwww 1m 888 Twwww it o TY W ItEUlhB T SAT KRARTINA WOOD STATEN ISLANDP l TI r Lf remnlUnder the auspices ot the listen laland AmusementCompany LlinlledAIiliRErORDfl POLIPShlll DKN8FLY SOLID IATIKINAIIKI OVhlt 2111110 KNTIUNHKD PROPMDAILY TIIUs lIlt Suettilt HUMAN HKINdlKAIKLYII tIYZ1 Ui11 111 t WM lm nl WIirPAHtlYZKUUlTII DBllllIIT IIKIIIIV 1 PLKAHIIKAULB AM HKhhV KXCUIHIOHd ACROSS TillUBAunUL IIY DAY AND MIUIITFARE ONLY 100ATTEND Tim NOVEl RVKNINO PBRFORMANOnSPblllIdT IIIIDRIt AND UKrOllUMUYIllAD MKOTK1U LIOIITriAFTERNOON PA1IIONH MOMR AT 0JO NIQIITPATKONH IlInlll AT IIPRRCOItMANtlS lAIN Oil HIIIKalikE HOW lAriY TO SET TIIRIIKA FLEET OTIA1dIlIIH TitaN KlILd IM1 POINTfllTicket exchangeable tn all water one WAY Return via HI Ueorie or vice versa Two route direct togates1t1I1 the Ilatterv termlnu of all Klevated Readsfare TllltoUIJII I ONLY IDC The staten Iiland I ferry Ira I1I0l raleboats connecting 1 at Hatnt leorce with train direct forKraitlna leaving Battery ted afternoon performance atra I clii UI5 I P Sit I Igr 3it For evening performanne at 5SS nnss n io7ts 7 WfaHtemiKr JOHN HU VI hTIlt i xcurlon are scheduledto land at Wild W eit new anok tot I encli performancereturning after each performance her time table I leoexcursIon columnKteamer THOMAS A MOROAN leaves I Staten IilandFerrr honk at hatters toiround lu JU A MI 1UJUP IUtAuviPM I t All water route only lllcenli IIoIIHIl BrlilKellllODKLYNNleamer loltRNOK eavesDOCK Fulton Parry at Intis A Mi 1W and 043rdpO I lt el I i IP M Round trip 2 i rent Iartlc leaving NewYork ran return to Hrnoklin threat Patent marinebruit ihown on the lu r > A M 1 trip INKWAItK8lealnerlIltlMA P WAY and MAOKNTA Ileavu Commrrclnl Dock dally I P Mt 2 11411 1101JtdUtid trip 25 rent tn IKLIZAimrilpoitrsteamer PINTO leaves I tvary 20mlnutra Fare Hi rentHeel irturntnir 1 Immediately after Itxh tItIanOrund stand ramiff 2nifio I PeopleADMISSION 6 roin early Wander tlironch camplloora open 12 J i and 7PM I 1Hunda > i Catnu open fur Inspection > crete IMA uur IPAINS IBURNING OF MOSt OH IRFARRANIFI IMPRtlVrH rrKFrCTKOIii It MOST MKUMFIOINTOUTDOOK KIMlfAIl hVhlt hXIIIIUTEDItlAIISTII IIATTLh BObNhHII11NIIKI OK TIKIDIM IMIAI1KDNAPOLEON ON hut I H1IITK CIIAKCIPRIIAIOLEONTtWIIIWTlllt Hid ttMtl I L IOAMlrt IS Till MAIIKIT PLVCK IAiHOHAr jUIMIIRlSTtt I AcTill M UITlllli 3 tit Till IlTYDESPIKATIIIS AND DIMTItltliritlVClIIOKStl I HIIIUIIKKH I IMAMMO1II STAOF AND IAKK OF INATIltAI HATKII IAUDITORIUM I SEAT OVIll II 101st lJltiRlc Hpenilly Arrruiir d and perforiMIiIiilt HKlWimKS bNCLU UIil I IOILMORES UNItTvALLnD HAMit tEN 1 HAL PARK ItAltDIN at Hill avNFV LA IC All NK1TNIJOUHSliM liMit OIUNII OlifllhHTKA OF 00NIIIMT I I EVERY KVIMMI AT a ICOMIhRTS AUMHIO t Ji CENTSHUNIIAV rVKMMI July 13MONS1KII HUMMllt l IIJ liT COMIIiRTThe Oranil Orchrrtra increased to Iou In conjunctionwith tt full Ml Itary II milSeTUlcliAV IIIIIIIIAYA ajlendll game of bale I ball Td DAY at the cooland lovely groumla ol r faint leorife htaten liland at 4I AILOUISVILLE va VETROPOI1TANBnol front Hattery every 2 j minntui reached by allelevated trainit t AIIINO sortUi TIIKATICrX111 Mr A Jl r PUMI It tola ManagerColt lP I HY ICED AlltlMr RltllAKI MANSFIELDPltlNUK KAltUKxenlmr at Hu Saturday Matinee at 2IABIO ritoadwayandU8tbltCArtlNOida eninge at s Matinee Saturday at 2Tho parkllrirronilu operaLKMINIK IRoof Harden Promeiiatlo Concert after the operaAlmluion Incluitinif both entcrtulninent WOAT11KSO or VeKsieVlWJ311JJ CVIMOItAMATxocuted the unuu > tlon of 1FN GRANTOpen duly 11 I A M 1 to II I I P I M 7th av and outb ItTake any Hroadnay cur or IIlh av Kle atrdiSIJeU JIU hoUSEI EOIII n atH Matinee today at 2ROLAND Maradcna Surremfnl Farce ComedyI II lIlt IhtTli IHERD IIUMIIUIIlI iicehI iVTIll ibm Cry near Canal atvr MatInee To day nl J 1 lie fcvenlnu atsireat Success ofK S WOOD IN tICK I SlIP IRIN S ttOOJ IN I JACK MILPPAIIU1hI MuNiii7rn I I II AND MONITOR NaVL FIOUTNot a mnvine picture but an actual btttle SceneMadison av ami 1 S lib it llnrii day and nightPI itform cooled by powerful fanCxnirsiousQONUY INIAMCONEY ISLANDOLD RFLlAHIh ROUTElloata leave Miilclmll at ut 7 N H in V M then everyhalf hour until H r > P M 1 sunda e cAd > twenty mlnUI tee Returning teal Cimey lalund until 1113 PMAccept no ticket bubuSrA IIRAII11110 MY lHIwhich Is I Clx mloul shorter hn the nclle1 NewItnul clii 1 lulls tunecctre I In tOe great tpollInlIulllIl111 utiuutiitic this 11 clora the lhllh tieltnmt hirp ilieri t IWT1 sat till the atti tictiflttstucurslott I ineeti YttIITY ChNT for pate et L sla Ithe an1 at 1 IoIhall1 tti nice nilly 10 Whllh1I StreetlnYlhon Eaatnlne yuir Ilketi alit rca that they sayHl lilAlllTo Brighton Reach Race Track Holt I aid return 4csza IIJU12111Molt dellirlitful mllea aall aroundrATS IM AND BUFFALO HILLS WILD WIISTStulplhff at new vita JyCk coinpleteuMIAMIlt tWIN YLVFSTLItWf Hi list It I 15 I lllili it I JO Pier II 1 N RIIS toWild Rent nnd around Iland Kvenlnv trip to WildWeal Heat lilt it 7 Hull at 715 Ilorti I N R 7 2OI It IRLTUKNINO AFTER PERFORMANCE BSO 10301 it JPt iformance 3 P M 1 and H P MhARK for round tHp UILD t WhiT20i a 1u UJWrJjIKAIth for round trip AltllUM IsLAND 400Note dance of time on Ural tripA VI THK AMKICKAJV KIIIKrA The matfniilcent new paUre I ateamerLOMI HKAScilCall JANEt IMIIwill make regular Hundor mornitiif excursIons toNEWS U tIll IIlanding at Yonkcra Iota Inland Weil Point and ColdphIKLeaving Bridge Dock Ilrouklyn at B 45 A MLraMllK Went Hull th It at 911 AIIavlnnWe l2Mt X Kal II JO AMLeailnitMnhatlaii > llle at tUiel AMJlanUnd Etch tctil al Hund In IM itraintof mualoFAItH KVTIRK IJRAND PXIIUIISIO SO CENTSA 11OCKAWAY ItKAOIIA nt tiE E 1111 ill DAILY IPALATIAL hDFCKKII HTKAMRRSt ttLUSt lilt and IIKAND ItKITHIPAllid VOlt KOUMI I Till M CENTSLl I UINdWeit22dt WeitlOthit Pier fI Jewell DockNI It N R N R BrooklynRSiAM Slit A II 1 Oil AM 9tUA MIOIoi A it 1 1015 A M 1 tl411 A M 1IOUAV13 t RKTIRNINU lEAVES RIM KAWAY IIHACIlSea Sldo Dork liuiA 15 and U 3U PMNil YXTltl THIPi UN SUNDAYTo nlionoiA oi7i i1 NIIIB iRRIF ItAILWAYThe most njoyalile of all the Hunday excurslooi fromMaw Yorkxpeclal 8I1OIIOLA itEM EXPRFSS leavei I 21d It andChamber 51 shallots 743 A M lleturulUK arrl yes InNew York III I UFARE ron ROUND TRIP taThere ceclnl eicuriloni tear I on IV H VII EB P AT 8alt A M 1Attraction Mountain acerery rid over flwllchbarkRailroad aerial tern mnmmoth hanging pavilionHhodii luau clmnbike ic tcA N Vf7iTC i7n AMI WEI IOIN rA1 Uand IHil Eatureln t except Buniln by tim lostand uleiiant Day Mtm ot tfann r4AIIIAM AM O VIHRARDFrom Itroikl > n tiillin St ChI Annex RAM IFromNiw I ork 1It > I Pier IItIAIFnini Note York ralM I n Pier u AIKxcunlonMtf will bate Ii cnn hnuri nt Went Point nrono hour und thri i qujirttrn at Nc a hit rut lUturniiuleach New York 5JU Hrinkltn tilt It hN lollBY NIIIIII 11111JJ SUMA iCUHllVLandlnir at Great ek bund 1nint then Cove SeaIlllt lllrnwood and 111 nLe > lmr Peck silt at u Jil A M t and 3lit it E R ntO15A M I cmi t i tug itt New York ajme ilut atll p i MA1IHml tl M IJlIA iUTUitiM Airn NOUN txruiuiuNRY STI AIlJm I llllMMIII IIuMiiSt Pcok stilt ut 4P I M und Hilt il t K R at 41511 Kuurnlnir will trrli In Now York at ID P MSlAillNiT KXtlfllMUMi COlt 1MHOTilE IIPST Fl ILITIHS Hilt PIESlRR PARTIESSaloon iitamvri rapacity 5MI to lest tiiiiiiQiferllle inrybMt and tiaiulpomrkt barges alluat ISe en popular icrovv up th buuud on the Iludiooand dnnn tIe layPrlnili > ijltin > Iir IB I N R foot of Cortlandt tbooths ie opeli fromli A M to IP M 1 dull anl I to 4P I I l Mitiday liMnca onice 7th av turner 4Jd 1 it 1open lit the eveningCall early to aecure favoratile dateflAThi II AIH AND ltttl > IIAMIITOS IIllEiTiI Moat charmlnir salt In this vicinity of New YorkSteamer 1k I iCe Pier IH N It foot ot Cortlnndt atdally racetii iUili l r 0 1115 A M I and ft IS P MItelurillK leate Rath I Heard 8 ID M WIdIl 0P M liuliuu at rort Hamilton I each wayJ Nhxturlon I ticket Fort ilamlllou Ai cents PattiBiacji SitcentaB TV iJR V IIAV IIKACIInathlnir pavilionA boat louis reitauraiit beautiful duly groundNOWfJPLN aparat Hinlc groundReached by llorie Railroad lu > l minute from Altorts 521 11 terry and 4U minute from Hunter Pointferries I Fare from New York via tout st ferry thrtuiht imllckila luoct I tI1 OK OIIAITfUHlfarn John h Moor and1 other email parties t a peclalty 1 Apply 354 Wet atC IIOIKUA IlANUa oa Fire Illand Thurxlar11 jJjatllUOMf taa tfuoda aUeicxr J t tt bOUUVLKOxcutlLonII RUN atTKAMIIOAT COM PAX TIRON BTBAMIlOAT COM PANTIBON STEAMBOAT COMPANYTIIB ONLY ALLWATRR RODTB DIBBOT TO TnBPONKY IHLANI AND IONO RRANOII IRON PIERSTUB DRHT BZOUHNtON STEAMBOAT HKIIT1CB IHTDK WORLDTODAYS TINS TAIILB I FOR CONRY ISLANDLRAVK WEST 231 RT N HOIO II 1 II AM 12 ILlI IllS 2 10 3U1 4 tin 50 7 8 9 P MLRAVK PIER NKW Jr N HR Hatttry rise Station Klevaled ltitaitfl20 In JO I1JO A UI I3jnlJOiilS33t3 440 5ai Btai 7JUHJO B30P MRPT ii NO >LEAVROOKBT rBLANlxttIIMJ PIRRlll40 A M1 > 4H 3 1ft ft itO IIJ > Ott HI4II III 3 11 P i MLEAvE CONKY INLAND NRXV PIKR 1040 A MIJ411JHO 411 5 43 7140 94 And u much nfienerai the nrceixltv nf travel marrequire I Tha lat boat from Coney Iiland laud ONLY01 1ler No I N nLONO IIRANOIITWO TRIPS DIRKCT 10 Till OCEAN PIERLeuve Weit23d It IITItI J n II no1830 P MLeavo Pier new No I N itWL II mil 4 P aRRTURMNULeave Long Branch 1313 and OilS P MFARE TO LONG DUANOH AND RETURN 75 CENTSBxrunlon ticket old at all down track statIons cli Ivated rod with free tranafir between Knulu Ferryand Uattery place for 2d and 3d av panetigeriSPBOIAL NOTICEOn Bnnday July 21 additional trip to Long Rranchwill be made the boat leaving Welt 23d at aH3O A Mand 2 P J and Pier new No 11 11 at 0 111 andra1t 1si2t JO P ilTilE MOST IIKAUTIFUISUUMHR RESORT0o In0 V TIE WORLDomn DOATINO IIATIIINOiwt PIrilllMeea TWO URAND CONMt M MMf jrMairnlnceiit rollecttoa Ioi it oiKN es t a of rare animal odd0050 ISLAND 5e a fiat a1 seamono555 ttlIostructtntt and amslese5e 5 5s ment55 0o0a Real RIIDDIt HLAND I5 000s CLAM IIAKFH55 cs Pine dlnni r a Ia carte5 s Klein DuuuchlandThe yam of the Sound WorllA rII oil enrth TrllnnrtOSS of tile altrhta of New York TilnelA truly beautiful altot SunScenes of bewildrrlng beHuty HeraldSTEAMERSIIAVE DAILYPier 18 N 11 fool cut Iortltnltat lIt > ft4V In4 AMlJMlTiiJ I fiaiop 4 I M lowplle b WI lifirr Rrnnkljn I9 lit rll M lI Uls I44 Vf JU VV M i at Ii IAI4fiYjI30 IUJU II dl D45P 1145RliTURNINO LFAVIsOLEV ISLAND HOURLY400 1XCtIltslOS Til ICITS 400400 EXCURSION T1CKIH 4UCnTRA IIOATS SUNDAYUXTllA IIOATS hUNDAYI 1 i Ci Iii it Ii IIAIIUO DTrnlni I leaveLtltH 1 ISLAND CITY oppoaltii Kuict 34th Bt N Yfor t ha following pnlnta llilernieillale nation 1 lSHYLI Enl IMLAND tilth hN Ill I TtI3 1011 J3 354 J55V P I M 8indalli4 A MHAO IIAR1IOR lllh HAMPTONS and Matlona on theSOUTH SWR clot of PATOIilMIIIKH A M 1 2330 41 1 33t 11 P I M l Snndav U A MBABYLON 311 B Htll 1H15 A M 2 3 m 411r > 30 ii I 7 tllkl i U15 nignted and Sat onlySunday H 21 u A MFIHK INLAND H1 A M4I P M Sunday 9AMBAY MIOHh I IIIIIAKIAItIA1I1110IlUII8I I I I fII 05 l A M 03 3 JU except Oukdale 401 > 5 11 P MSuutdav I A MNORTIIPDItr IIUNTINOTON COLD SPIlINd OYSTEE HYSioiret DA M M i 4 1115 n J5 p I M Sunday lO MIA Mmixed tiltS 7P I MKUCKAWAi andrintlniK on Knckaway BranchIIIH IIII 03 11 I 12 AMI tu50 > I t y 4 5 aiit > n I CD7O1 HISP M 12lt I night We I all I Hat only Sunday H ill tot 11 I A1 2 3 4lut II 7tut tl M P MHEA Cit I It all itutlnn on 111V I Cull M BRANCHM 11 111 A M 2utt 3lS 435 bSi 11311 J in 8l5j Imf I1215nlihiUed and Sat only i suinlti u35 OW A Mmixed tl iOi P SIIIBMPttrKAII IARnFVCITYflW HT5II dAM205 dOS 4315 530 II 1111 7 UTi 1I1r P M Jll nightWed aud Sat only Sunday O 015 A M 1 IA OJ311Saturday onlyTltKKT OH ICKK 207 CKI Ml JJ2J 1 131J BroadWilY list Canul at 11 haul Htli it 7J7 rth av UrnndCentral 1 Depot 4Jd itS T AI1KKNOOV CKKTatSAINT UEORI1I1 STATEN ISLANDIn order to provide IHTIOStL IIAItMLKSS RPCREAVION for tue CROWDS In I NKW YORK CITY aidBROOKLYN who desIre an outing on llnimcr SUNDAYAFTURMIONS the tPAlllN ISLAND AMUSEMENTlltUL JKOUNDS A r SAINT IIIOIHI trnin 131 I toiou on UNIIAY AFTERNOON Nl Xf Till FINESTMIIslC HCIIM TIm FAMOUS rKVKNTIl RKdIMKNTHANI lli MIUMI APOLLO CLUB of 31 male l tolcel 1will alao parllclpiite A Union nf lienuty lost n the Burtroll the cool comfnrlublc seals 1 of tile Casino Finer nt nf Jamea hureuttNil llhhlt nr INTOMCATINil LIOUORi salt Plentiful aupply nf ICII TEA COFFEE MILK LEMONfllIUIAIiM rI1 CEllISt AtAdmlfiaion to irnnniN Casino and ConcertTWhNTYFIVIS CLNTSchildren ten rentaGround upon from III A M to H P M IBoat from the Battery every twenty mlntitea Faronly ten ccnta Readied bj every debated railroadSIIIVEIRLT jON THEPICTUHhSUE EP1K2 TO SHOHOLA GLENAND RETUKNA POPULAR SUMMER DAY RESORTCnmprllngri womlerful ixhiblt l of cnernl grottoesrajilla caflLadia cuturiirtH Ac Amiing the attrattionare a iwitt hliack rallrond aerlnl ferry matnmothilanclng ia1 thin original Jthode Island oltin bake caferealatirant AcTluo aptclul excnriloni New Yorklivery snndHV ly I apicluli L ery KednradayHhoholalilon Ixpreu by dci exlreaealr 1 i7ti A M I I atll A MDepot foot of Chamber at and foot of Vt eat 23d atNew YorkFur further Information or for tpeclal arrangementforloilgn soCltlii acllool aud ainriul parties applytoC V V WARI JllllN N ABBOTTFa > tn Dlat Paaa Alt Uenl Paaar Agent287 West St N YUILfIIIAIIAAROUND STATRN ISLANDA CHAHillVl SAIL DOWN TilE BAYKILL VON KULL PRINCES DAYFULL VIEW OF SANDY HOOK AND THROUGH THENARROWS tIlE HUM ENtRANCE TONEW YIIRK BAYSTKAMIlll JoiTCsYLVPSTRBh AT II It IH Y AND DULYWEST 21ST ST I li PM UKST IOTII ST 130 P Mflfalt 0 145 P MSUNDAY TWO TRIPSWEST 2IST ST 1431 t A 512 P MWEST hint liT Ut3 A V 213 PMPlhRO IU A M 230 P M40 CENTS ROUNoTRIP 40 CENTSjiou CIEEY 1NIttllTAKE TIIK ClLVKR ROUTRBRIOIITON BEACH and W LVT HR1UIITOX hEAdCONEY ISLANDLEAVE WHITRHALt ST701 SOO Oft 1000 AII and half hourly thereafli until luoo P I MSUNDAY mxi luAU Hi on A II and every 20 minute thereafter until Ifitif P XLKXUIIRION TICKhTri down trark L siStine The only direct nonnrrllonby C 1 tleratedor surf avenue stage line for BrightonBeach Hotel or race track Pxcuraiou 41 centsTicket by tIle route irnod to return from ManhattanRrarh on aMnent nf difference In tare I or to llrooklulfrom Project Park and Cone lalnnd depot withoutextra charge Alt Manhattan Brach ticket am gout toreturn by this route a Ii hotit pair 4 tItanicBe ureloaak for THK UULV Kit ROUTE ticket1 At IIAlIA N II i A IllMAMIATIAN Hfll ST FERRYHull Blinclmi IfiLluded Hlli ID ill II I 2 A M 1320I Sin 2JO old hair hourly ttiereaiter tit w M P M Addllloiml Irain Wsek days Ui A U on Sundays151 NBAY RIIinK ROUTE1eav laity Whitelmliat suili ferry termInus of allL road hollrlv from tl IDA SI l tiiUilllP I MA SPECIAL IIIIA1 KXiIUMVKIY FOIt MANHATTAN REACH PASsKMJERXRxcurilon tlckita otiCKNrs Fur mle at Pavilionand all down truck L I it ttionUILMORhtf UlttVT BANDAfternoon and Fvenlng ConcertNEW MUSIC AMPIIIIIIhATIlbPAINS LATEST AND IIRANDESTIlll It HUHNINIl OF MOSCOWEvery nleht except Kumliy and MuirliyQ N SitE 1IKAOII Af ROt lL4VAYNEW YORK WOODHAMN AND ROCKAWAY R RThe Shorten Quickest and Only Reliable Rout tollockauay livnthWFKKniY TRAINS luvn Long Illand City andBuillwlCk 7 M li IU UT II I I 114 A M 111 I P I il andhourly until DuSt Leave Haibuih at il 41 921 A Moil tiuthirl I until V3D p M ItuturuiiiK train from thebeaIu ttiiuriyHUNHAYH Hattmai Ill hourly leave Ifiiz IilnndCHV cull I Hiihwlck 7 It A M I hourly until 1245 I P Mthen tilt hour until iD IMurninK tralua from thebmrh halt liuiitl fr m II to III u J I I MTllkhTS on sale at 27 Itnalosy Sew York andNovlkLj cornir itutis err soul II Otto at New I nrkIMMIT Iri IAltK IIAIIl TIMH TABLEII GUAM Hill Nil hXCflislllN JioMoat Delightful SIMM 1 iti uiisi lit I Ninr thin CityA IM mile sail on this hlatnrlc Hu IKIIII nllordlng amagnltli > law of the n orld renou tied Pallia le andElI erslte InrkDMIM IN I TIIK IVVIIIOS FROM 2 TO III P Mstranipra Irate Cunul > t UIMD 4 II A MI 2 1 lit U > 7 II Ii and H 3D P I M landing at Jd and 31th > liN It lu and ls mlniiiri later Htindav tuurly trip1111118 AM lo U M halt hourly afterLeave Fort lee eul i 3 I 7 3il Ml i I U A M U M23311 445 ett 7HO 4314 and HIP M tPleaiint Valley Jutcewater t dud hiatt Shuts landingsmade only nn these mitePIliASANT 1 VUI M GROVE Ia let Price 110M 1 AMIAITAV IJIIACllGRAND CONCERTSaiLMORES BANDALL THE AUTILLBItYKtTRA FROORAUMB TODAYIMIIIMO llAMilA1M WSSSSST AltSIACK leaves 54 it it i5 M t hisetunian st 731 A N Fatukiiu it BA iiIialttckIsn1rfresttrnents 11 city priceOzO CQQPNI1 UIhrWA J CAM MEYERJ165 167 and 169 Sixth AvonuoCOBNBB ISTH sTeMENS FINE CALF HANDSEWEDWELT LOW SHOES350PER FAIRMENS CALF IIAND8EWKD WFLT tONDON Toll TIPPED SEAMLESS OXFORDTIlts BMENS CALl IIANDSBWBD WRIT 11IIOADTOIl SOLID COMPORT SEAMLESS OXFORDTIER111 Ni CALF HAND RRWED WELT 1IROADTOll 50111 COMFORT WHBSThR TIIH 83 SOURNs HANDBKWbl WHIT DONOOLA KIDOXFORD TIlts ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOBTENDER FElt WJSOMens Calf HandSewed Welt Shoes1eoousHBNS CALF HAND SEWED WELTBUTTON SHOES 84OOMENS CALF HAND 8EWBU WKlT LACKBALMORALf S1OOMENS CALF HANI 8EWEI5 WELTCONOItrSS GAITERS 04 OOTHE ABOVE IIANOSKWKD WHLT SHOES hAVENBITIIHl PEltS WAX TIIRKAD8 NOIl TACKS INSIDE TO HURT TUB FlIRT OR WKAIt OUT STOCKIN08A FEATURE OF VAST IMPORTANCE TO TUBVtKAItFRTIlES ARE MADE IN SIX DIFfERKNT WIDTHSAND WITH KITH Pit IIROAD MEDIUM OR NARROWTOES MANUFACTURED OF CARHIULLY BELhCTKDOALPsKIN AND AIUI EQUAL TO ANY CUMOMMADE 8IIOE AT DOUBLE THE AIIOVK OFFERINGCANVAS KBIOESA PULL ASSORTMENT OF SHOES FOR LAWN TENNIS BIOYCLK YACIITINO AND ALL OTIlrR OUTDOOR SrORTINO PURPO3LS AT EQUALLY LOWPRICESA J CAMMEYERSIXTH AVENUE CORNER IJTII STREETill iCrand HotelricAFviCJAil teQtJi ILlLONION EiGThla MAOSIPICFNT HOTEL orcnplc thi > fittest anmnHChN KAL I POSITION In London It H luxurlonxlyand clig intu fnrnifhed and unmallrd for lift excellentcllUine hid innderute charge Lighted throughout byelcctrllil Cnblegrant Ornnntf I Lonrlnn1I 4INO 1IKACII LONG ISLAND RAILROADleave Long Ifrlind City onpoalte Eatt Bib BtIVKtK DAYt K Ml a lOSjii II 05 A M 103 2054h n it IJfi 7115 UT MKUNDAIHM 1135 10 SO A iLl hJO 2IO 305tilft 505 71 > 1425 I StAnnet hnatleaF4 Iliin at Plor 17 E R weekdayonly uK A M I m J JO 4 nil MfiM lllkO BAN ll > Every day in the ween sureX1 ly go lulling ground not reached tickets nlwalgood steamer J II SCIIUYLLR letuci Fait Iot it7J laillei 51 > cent Commutation tltkrt cool trIll a 175 null ticket ft or over 71 cent eachIeavea the Bank a 1 M Unit and tactic Al FOSTEROKT LEE JAIIK CMPAI EXCURSIONILIIKY HtOM DOT I OF lril BT N KmAttE innEXCURSION Til KET1 15citt1oidNKW 10RK ClNTIt II AMJllltsut SLIVER IIAIIKOAICommencing June 11 IBrtU through trains will leaveGrand enlrul Depot IJH A M Rnctuier Express drawing room cart toAlhunv lro irucnie and Rucheiterll A M Saratoga Like tieurge iH1 Montreal Specialwith through drnnlni ruo n cm to Iroj 8araif taCallwell cud Montreal Bullet car New York to Saraltd Sit 51 A M Inc Limited wlili dhtttng car stoppingat Alhanr Utica syriicuBe KooliuMir Huflalo NiagaraFoils Erie riei luiul atid Toledo itrrlvlHK HC Clllcuffaat It Ml At Hiul M Loiiia74ilP M neat 1ay10 Jut AM Oliluuo la lures l drnulni ruin cars tonil hllold siiriMkj Uunaiidalvua Kuchcater UnBalo andSlntrara FullitlJUA I M Weitf rn New York and Northern Ex IAIhuinTro > Miratnga and UtIca Expresswith drawing rnoiu etil > l buffet can to Troy eel Saratoga Kultl to Lake ileorgo on Suturd > Honly4 I M At cuiiiniiitlalion to All > iti and TroyU 1 M Chlcuiin unU ht Ioull hxpeii with > leeplncar for Niagara Fails UufTalo Cincinnati Toleilo D ulurd tyFor lucal trulliH vefl lime fujletTicket on aule at Urand Central Depot 7 Batteryplace 4IJ Hroudway sIll I llnrleni Depot 4th av andLitli it and at Wioiolli htpremomcei 3 Park placenear IlroadwaM 7M1 and till Uroadway and IU WestIJ5lh It Now York 331 Wailllniiton it and TM Fultonit Hrooklyn anil7U4lhil WllllainiluirKliAccommodation In drawing room and sleeptnz carcan be procured at any of the ticket olllcci lu New Yorktill and at 3JJ aihlnmon it HrooklynH tfttng CMlled for and checked from resIdenceThew lrHtn run tUlly olhvrti dully except hundaytlheie tralnn mop ut harlem i251ii tu and ilhav totake up uinenirer i onlyl > H KHNDRIRK Oeneral Passenger AgentPUAKSYITAMA 1C A IIIIO V IOn and after IIINK JH H > WOIIKAT TRUNK LINEAND UMThU STATIC MAIL ROUTBTrain leave New York via Deibroitei and CortlandkHti Ferries is followsnrni > inirk rittibnrh and the Went with PullmanPaAece Care numliit U A M 0 7 and 8 P II dallyNew York and Chicago Limited ol Parlor Dininghmoklnii and Meeting Care all I A M everydayWllluinaiinrt Lock llnvin U A M H P U Corrr andErIe at H p M connecting at torry for TituvvlllePetroleum Ontrt mid the oil lit gfonvFor Lebanon U A M 3 HI P M nmt n nightUaltlmore Waihltigton nnd the Houth Limited Wash ShOt > 021 and ItiJtp M KIIIIUV H an t IIIJA II J Jn llJiand 11111 p i M t from tiu idelllun > W II tl II 1 VI7ll 701 020 II HI til4u H JU A MI 21 I l1t lM 1 Vi t F HI GJil tISI 7 21 I H VI 11 il Iii n p M nnl11 Jt nulit Sunday J Mi il Jl bjii 71D 7 lii I 135A U U 2iia 2tt a u jii u Ai and lunp XI0R rilllAllKMhxprem trama hear l New lurk via Deibroiiei andCiirtlaiiatM Ferrln an followetU M 7 glut K U ii Cbliagu Llmileit and 10 Wahlngtonlmiltidl unl II I I A Vl I 3 l4 4 hill 5 ll 7Hnnd9f M sid IJ nliilit Arcomniolatlon 82 I I IDAM anl44HP I M suinlata Kxnrrin uiv u eti LintItcH und lu A M 4 4W 0 tl 7 8 and u p il and12 nightTrilna Irutlnt Now York d I lly except Sunday at HIi itt IIin A MIJ 45 M PM l and itt A Slaid 1P M nnsimda cunnect at rrenion fur UauiilrnBet turulltr trilni leie Hrnud street station PhilalelIt lit 1JHII I 8 2 i 4 n1 4 I li Ti 111 I u i 7 b u dtf h431ttl sit II tit I M ilimlted I kirei 114 I all Slf14 l I IJi4l lj4J II 135 712 44t2 aldUHip I M tt In4rfVLimited 3 hIlt 4 011 4 jut 1 1 II 31 4 it 12124 lOitSl tIuttteI II M 712 aim S llp i NLeave hUuoiay PnllutclpUla via Lamdmi u A h daily exceptTicket 07lIM14 4311 tnl 1144 Brmdnay 1 AstorIlonie and tOt nf lliliroui aol Cnrtlamil t cmi t 4Inurt it and Bniikljn Annex station foitot rullotiitI ruuallni lluirh IbId Ililtiteml SIM oi JerseyCityt tie Ilulnuteti ituitrntt Ticket Oflle 8 iiatiry place und UserJJik Now YSI1 Tratisfer tinpaly will call fjr andcleek Is 1f11 hotels 514 reelinceCIhAII j u WOODiJcliTsilstuimger General l Pan r LentN W TMIIIK ONTARIO 1 tt KsThRVKAlTtt YI Ferries ln New Sork milt foot ul Jay it anIUeit4Jdll rromjv ttHSil Wet4Jditli III V 1 M lucysilted for llleluvtn f iieimvlle > Slontlcello Ul trljJJ nte Lake Delhi Oivtegn anti luterme Mate laliunJullman drawing room emsJay It 301 hint 4d it 315 I U filter countyexpress > fur Ulddlelown Illlenvllle Monticello LibertyWhit hake slid Itttermnidiat itationi Pullman draw10 rootli CarsJay it 5th i West 421 it SJJ P I M Mjhlexptnifor Otwego Buipeniloa Brim Thouiaud IslandsPullman tleeplng cart New ork to Cape VincentRuns dally Jay it IJVI p u IVest 4J it 3 lu P Murdayi only for Xllddletown kantlceliu White LakeLUitv and Intermediate ilallont Pulman Jrawlngrosin cue tllrd coal entlnei uied on all paueutertrait JO ANIIKIlrfOSO YA1 xgbui ptsc le TGENUINE BARBAINSbring the sensible buyers toour stores llurlngr the iicxiTlilriy Hays the balance oiour Htoek MU8T vhnt we StY Is it possible rthat the reliable house oiIts Bl Binff 8 io will selltheir tailormade clothingttt such low figures lawhat our competitor HAY MMH eli bargains as these wolire looking for is what ourcustomers HAY Here orethe prices that attract theirattentionDIUR FLANNRL SUITS AT Cd WORTH tlOMKNH FROCK SUITS STRICTLY ALL WOOL MlWOIITII CIIFLIt1ANT KIR CIII WOhtTIt SiltiVNTOOIiKrtCRIlW SACK SUITS IK BIORBLACK AND IIROWN AT lOt l CANNOT hilt DUPLtCATEI Fiiht 10iaS1IliII uoAD WALK 8tJIT EXjDAL IN EVERrItEsPEtIT To hIuitIll IlOltK 14A lot OF iiSiTNS tltiItKsCttttW StIlTS 80LUFdRMKIILY FOR hIlt ARE UO1NU AT TUB HITRliMHLY LOW PRICK IF BittMitEs PANTM HPLLINO AT ft Fl AND 3IttVs IIUITS AT Cl Sot WltTlI 3CtlIltttRNo stIlTs AT 2 3 AND 1 BOLDFilllMKRLY FORM W AND isciinirs UAIIOII niiirs ttOc1 WORTH psaALPAOAH AT Jl 1511 J AND 2 MlHKKRSUOKhR COATS AND VESTS AT f I O ANDHKItIE COATS AND VESTS AT ONE HALF THEMVA t U It11 AhC0ItMODTIt OUR rtHTOMKRS WE SHALt aHE OPEN TIIIS EVKNINU UNTIL ID OCLOCKA IHI KBNG t COOS7 AND O8U JIKOAUWATHETWKKJV IEKOU Kit di HOUSTON NTSTaBLISZED 1811CMOIGE OLDWIIISKI ESMILD MELLOW AND DELICIOUSTIis Kcull fir mullein oiidlltlr of Whiskey dmtllledtrout thip Illicit Brow Ill of Ke Iri the rriiiiHril I Valley olthe MonnnimheU luive atlrnctvil the Bttrntlmi of theMedical Faculty m the Unllitl Staten to Atioh a drirrrf Mtn pUce It In a vary hIgh poiitlou amoiiy the MaterUNell aWe leg to luvltn ho attention of ronnoliseiin to ourcelrtiruicd duo Ol l > JI I eli I > whlc WenlTcr ut Ik llutliitT IM lof In ease cunlulnI ttt 0 ii Ilze tins I lee ei ohmThro Fcalhors O1 ilyc 1865 21 00ala Reserve Whiskey 18 00Unriyallefl UpperTen Whiskey 15 00Brnnswick Clnb Whiskey 12 OJIt uit cannot tiabii thcee Whistles from yomtr GrooelWe wiIh out renellit ut htuatmk lraft ltegttereul Letttr Orloet tlhthie italley lirder or C 0 0 if desireh deIiyeZtteuul 10 yoUr uitIreoi be Capress chiarget prenahi to all hplate etiet of Ilte lloeleippi River ant by treiictit tolatt Intl of tie U S preluaitIhr EXEliEFOIE 1ItiLITY nnd I VENNENw ur lUAIiIIV the above are Venuepiseel liv nv II hlnkna In lbS lnart alleyare entirely tREE rHHM AIIUI IKKATIOJiandpnaveii n nitturul flavor iiad flue tonic propC itsTheiio Witlskicsare naIl under Kimrnntee to give perfeet nil nieilii I othci wl eto be returned at our evpene rorrepondencc aullcitrdHIHW CATHERWOODlit Nuiilli front Ml lllHIANEW YORK OFFICE 10 SOUTH WILLIAM STFriedrichshallTHE TONIC APERIENT WATER0t Increases tke appetiteA S Gubb LRCPRes MiJ OJflctr French Itoifital LindenIMPORTANT NOTICEBy reason of an improved method of captionby which dilution is avoideJ FriedrichshallWater will be found tift > fa be of COffSIDERAHLY GREATER STRENGTHand EFFICACY than heicloforeThe ordinary dose Is n large wlneEl sfnl 4ounces Most efficacious when taken fastingand mixed with an equal quantity of hot water4 I know nothing at all equal ttFriedrichshall The LONGER it ittaken the SMALLER is the quantifynecessary to effect the purposeSir Henry Thompson FRCS LendOf all Druggists and Mineral Water DealerENGLAND CONSERVATORYfEWENCiANDGFMUSIC Boston MassTHE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED IntlaWORLD Ietnintons 2103 bludeut list year Thorouxli Initructlon In Vocal and IiiitnimenUl Mulc Piano endOritan Tuning tin Aria Oratory Literature reach German and Italian I nituiRea English BranrhriOymnaitlcAetc Tuition f aio 5 9 boanl androom with Steen HratanitiffIrio LIght 41 t i7Spertrrm Fall Term brclni SeptemhrOlC 9 Ilioslvelrd tstceln with OmIt hnrormatotatddrcn E TOUBJEi DIr ranklln Sq bOSTON MmSFacWM StirFor theBALSAMLUNGSCu CONSttItPTItN 0105 PNEUMONIA INFLKNit iiittiNtlhllAL IiIVlICUITlitt iiitONthiIITIlIhiiAItSFNIIit AIITIIIIA CIIOUP VVllOOPINdlOUUIInnl all tJleoacs of the Breiithmir Organ Itlnthe and heal IheMemliran of tIm LUNOS InHauieaand poliiMied hy disease and prevent nlKht aweatlsill Iluilutno acrtoa Ilts Cluest which accompany itCONBUMirhON I not iucuraliteJOHN F IIENIIYS 10VHc fuse IhItsmInsed Jiosk New YorkWEAKTan be promptly and laatlnily cured Kcretly snub witsout naunoni ilruzirinK by lhIENOII IIOliPllAL TREATMENTBoard of all Kitlar phinrlan Consultation fresFull mtotation to vigor and trengtb however lostllluatraled book aent rigule U1VI 1K AilENUY 174 tulton at New TortUorphin Habit cured Anew method Dr J I llolman Jeflenon Wlaconilnffihnucw4 1OsIglkVEsrM l1NTThswhntooaf half of awoll ealabllihed hat and bonnet bleacherror sale with boiler flxlnga and isa log machlnea andterythlng complrtr eatuldlalird five year slid ha agiutti trade reason for iilllng dliiatlBfacllon of partieri Adlrei ALLEN BUDS 2JOlrand avMilwaukee wliAHUM DI It I IIIIN IIUCWFKN areopeato negotiate t fnr tIlt lain of I Itch r itoutl both In tuitiksill In bottle In New York and Nlatu Replies to tillr > i rdCHARLLSP BARRY HU Janlei it DublinrelandS 4 Tlin IAIIOKST and lowiat priced firstP claso iKntaliinit > ln tho city auu equare foilhevotui to leuituil patios hlegant full gum sets ttti soul flu uld nine price flo t 20 mid fJU Hobarge for cx tract lug without puln if arti itch I tretbiretolielniiTted h tetth I filled teeth ripnirrd iii ai toutltd set nude while waiting a lain In atleudauteJiJ and HH di av Suttiiast curuer aith it IBrancll ulllce 27J IVest J4tlllt Dr MODKMANN45 YKlllV Act > riraclhelr H 17TUPIIINAJextract ton rts und nil teeth without palniperkily nrlinrinl tenth H to LI CIII l and up rrpulrllg II up gull lining Cl up denning and laaltIfl toglatura tech ii 5uI up lijMn I hundara and eienlnzlI nlll Do dock hmnili dtitut l 5 j Kowery five hunbi > 1 YM > VI ill rho I t n II lIt it si dayorS4evrnlhg Hr HRK Jifth ai 1Ulh itA IKVIION I rulloitlemeiiOnlt Illnod poIsoni r Hkui diveane Inrtinnniuiiuii oimruutlouainbiudiUrkiliii > 5 aid other Idols utakneai nervutta atil I geerildrii Hi mental unyiicat pruttratlou Ac successI till ireatidand t riuull I rurrdt t periiianent cure pertectei 1 in alt cuael which lava been uvglartod ur Ulllklllily treatel Ur J W IRINIILK Ill W Uth it iiiwirlillth KlUTlhut Hour U A M tuB P i MD1C kM ITTi7FttTtT4rr7iloldeit reliable ipcclaUlit haIti sexes Iiiotl > ptdtontng akin ulcer bt >truilinni diachtrge Inilamiiiatlon bladder kllue > aicatt luiui I in > method the I only one known that curdennaiitiitly Horat cases liervous debility weuktiriiet> r itritlon trmnblln ihtnci u chromo mills tilroilfreatdc solicited d lutes gulsrtd AlMce hook treeI I AIIIKS Pennyrnjai plll riiFch ter Htii1 J Ilih the original ant only ginului a reliable reinedy 15k your drng take na Oilier or encloie 4 cents nampa for full partliIan UIIIfllknTKH 01IKMICM CO Slallluu kitumroMladilphla Pa For sale by all drutglilAIIi dlaa ai nulk and permanent curei Drutatone in > farfc ai corner Mulberry > t IIIYSICIA I I xA FnlurKU and UnforluuikteDr Til EEL Ii ltt Cut lOth it guifkuttcl lo euro atler ail iUiiaJU 2ff7e9595c

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